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Buddha’s Tree Nutrients are scientifically proven to deliver BIG yields – and give your grow an improved aroma and taste.

Boasting over 30 years’ growing knowledge and experience, the biochemists at Buddha’s Tree are highly rated in the field of agriculture and hydroponic systems. For an explosive kick-start, turn to Buddhas Tree Flower Burst – ideal for promoting growth during the early and pre-flowering phase. Take your skills to the next level with the official Buddhas Tree Feed Chart.

At THC, we stock and supply a wide range of Buddha’s Tree Nutrients which can aid and accelerate the uptake of available nutrients. The single-part Buddhas Tree Organicus feed continue to be popular with novices and experienced growers, whilst Buddhas Tree Solar Green Power is a silica supplement that will deliver a better-tasing crop.

Should you need FREE advice about any aspect of hydroponic nutrients, call 01926 511151 or email our experts today!